Monday, July 7, 2008

Saturnday nights

I have been thinking a lot about what it has been addressed in previous posts with regards to the construction of our little gag.

Jurjen's comment about the giant spaceship hairdryer, under 'gag basics', is also where I thought the gag should go, and its many possibilities for different sort of objects and functions I think can deliver some pretty funny situations. Maybe I am just thinking too much about this, but I miss the reason why aliens are abducting other aliens. I will upload a couple of rough ideas later which try to deal with that and present some alternatives.

The storyboard above is approaching the gag from the relationship between the aliens and their behavior. Rather than trying to 'serialise' the gag, like the initial storyboard drawn by Jelle indicates, I have just created a self contained little story. Not sure if this is the best direction, and at this point I would like to start actually 'making' something based on all the material already posted. Would like to hear your thoughts on this.....


Anonymous said...

I love it, it sure does add some depth to the gag :)

Is it still easy enough to do? I mean there are allready more than one background etc...

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Great! Nice approach. I like that you see more of the bully aliens.

Nice storyboard, really clear.

But like Jelle says, is it still going to be "easy"?

More timing, more animation, more characters, more backgrounds.

Davolio said...

Hey, I am sorry for the delay in my reply, about the sb, I don't think is more difficult than what we've posted so far.

If we want to make a series of gags, some maybe more elaborate than others.

More importantly, or maybe is just me going slightly bonkers, in all our posts so far, I feel we're still missing the trigger that make the gag work: why are aliens abducting other aliens?????????????

I think my latest sb has not established that basic story element.

Having said that it has perhaps a good point: 2 bully aliens up to no good roam the galactic streets of our alien metropolis late on a saturn-day night intent on wrecking havoc on the unsuspecting inhabitants.
They look very mean and insane, in contrast to the other aliens that look dumb and reatrded, but their way of being evil is just very absurd and therefore funny.

And sometime their plans misfire and they are the wrong end of their evil plots, or the city alines have a moment of rebellion that takes the 2 rascals by surprise....

I guess this would be my tv guide synopsis to the series, or i am simply losing my mind...

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Ok cool =)

What is the plan for now?

Davolio said...

Hey Mitch,

I would like to start on this latest storyboard and animate it. Would that be ok with you?

I have some ideas for the naughty aliens design, maybe we can both post designs for the bg and the characters and then see which ones we would like to use,

After that we can make an animatic to get the timing right, we can research some cool sound effects, and finally animate it. What do you think?

Mitch Leeuwe said...

Sounds good to me!

I will look if I can make some things monday. After 21 juli I have some more free time to work on it.

Im curious for youre designs Cesare.

Davolio said...

Ok, deal! I'll try upload asap some simple ideas. I am also working on commercial things, but slowly but surely we'll get there! thanks for the interest, I appreciate it...:-)

Anonymous said...

Finished SB I think. Hope it animates 'snappy'.

And 'why do they abduct?" It ALL will be explained in next episodes! Keep the public wanting for more :)