Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Simple storyboard

Here's the storyboard, cesare and I figured it was better to submit this before the animatic has to be altered again... This is a better way to move scenes around and make some small changes to the storyline.

Cesare added some scenes and moved some scenes around after the comment that Lennie posted at the previous animatic
We'd love to hear your opinions again on how you guys think this storyline will work (please don't comment on the quality of the drawings because that will cause cesare to do it all over again in illustrator :P)

If we all agree on this as being the storyline we will go ahead and find some catchy tunes and sounds so we can improve the timing a bit and make a final (and really simple) animatic...

I will also upload some color impressions i did last week, and i think cesare will upload his color/design ideas about the disco today. Maybe then Niels and Simon could start on some character designs for the disco (will be easier when there's a colorscript for that we thought).

1 comment:

Davolio said...

He Jelle, good job!

Some sequences have been cut out that I did not expect,(the sleeping dog being waken up by the tremors reflected in the water, now reedited with a later scene of the dog walking the streets, and a new one of the monster cleaning his ear wax with a building for example) but looking at it now I think you've made the right choices and edited so that it moves faster and more varied. Look forward to other comments from the team...:-)