Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Some moodsketches


Davolio said...

The bgs are very moody and spacey, great mysterious atmosphere, with the addition of some flickering lights burning down below in the slums and their reflections on the wet pavement it will look just fantastic....

Also the color tests of Niels's disco aliens are a very good starting point, the weirder the better!
We all want to see Batman with his funky nose getting dirty on the dance floor...:-)

Fons Schiedon said...

Hi, I'm just following your process with interest here :)
Nice going, I think the fact you're reworking the animatic is a good thing. Lenny certainly pointed out a few issues. Also nice to read the babelfish translation (kika and bobsleigh!!!). One of his remarks had to do with the motivations for character action, how you can tell what someone feels and why he goes about doing something. In terms of your main character I can imagine you'd also like to sharpen it a bit. Show that even after saving the day he's still a loser. I wouldnt let him share a wink with the viewer - that seems out of chracter. Rather, have him do something stupid again. Maybe a girl likes him for scaring the monster. Maybe he could puke in her eye too. One thing that kind of amazes me is that there seems to be no awareness with the club-goers of the monster outside. They don't know? They're on mushrooms or something? Nobody sees the big eye at the open window? Wouldnt it be better if other people notice it, and are frightened? Loser wouldnt notice because he's too far up his own ass. If the club people are scared, then loser becomes their hero too, instead of to us only. Now, there's no real threat, and so there's no real emotion. Think about it.

One other remark about the colors. For the sake of clarity and loction atmosphere, you might like to make a much bigger distinction between the city and the club. Now I feel it all blends together.

Alright, hope this helps. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

It sure does fons thanks :D