Monday, May 12, 2008

'De Kapiteinshoed': what if?...

After admiring the gorgeous pics below, I started to think about sea explorations, how men have dared the deepest depths of the sea to conquer this liquid universe, and how civilizations have used the sea to flourish and expand their domains.

Since dawn of man, endless vessels have sank at the bottom of the sea in an attempt to traverse it.

Imagine if 'De kapitienshoed' had the property to make you travel through time. The little boy has this amazing hat, and travels the seas with its supercool sub.

All the 'baddies' that live in the city of the future-Rotterdam want it, because they want to go back in time and steal all those treasures that are at the bottom of the sea. Sometime the 'baddies' even join forces together to defeat the boy-kapitein and steal his hat. The drawing I made is just to represent hats from different times that the little boy finds himself wearing in its exciting time travel adventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good idea :) Let's see more